Electric P/S Motor Shaft Spacer

About this product

The Electric P/S Motor Shaft Spacer (#45253-28130), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Steering Column & Shaft system, plays a primary role in maintaining the correct alignment and spacing between the motor shaft and the power steering system in Toyota vehicles. When operating, it ensures the smooth rotation of the motor shaft, preventing any grinding or friction between the two components. Genuine parts from Toyota, like this spacer, highly contribute to vehicle compatibility and come with Toyota's authentic parts warranty. If the spacer becomes worn, clogged, or damaged, it can negatively affect the precision alignment, leading to vibrations, misalignment, inefficient power steering and potential damage to the overall system. Hence, periodic replacement is advised. Ultimately, a well-functioning Electric P/S Motor Shaft Spacer (#45253-28130) contributes to the efficient operation and safety of the vehicle’s steering system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 45250-28640;45250-28641
Part Number 45253-28130

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