Fuel Pump Spacer

About this product

The Fuel Pump Spacer (#23225-50010), a key component in Toyota's Body Fuel Tank & Tube and Engine-Fuel Fuel Injection Systems, serves an essential function in your car's fuel delivery process. This part is designed to provide a precise gap for optimal fuel pump operation, ensuring a steady, consistent fuel supply to the engine. A worn or broken Fuel Pump Spacer (#23225-50010) could cause inefficient fuel delivery, leading to engine misfires or even failure. Hence, periodic replacement of this part is crucial using genuine Toyota parts. Only these parts, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offer perfect compatibility with your vehicle for optimum performance. In conclusion, a properly functioning Fuel Pump Spacer (#23225-50010) contributes significantly to the overall vehicle efficiency, maintaining smooth engine operation and preventing potential safety risks associated with engine failure.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 23225-50010

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