Windshield Glass Spacer #2

About this product

The Windshield Glass Spacer #2 (#56126-22030), a key component in the Body Cowl Panel & Windshield Glass system and Body Roof Panel & Back Window Glass system, performs a crucial role in maintaining the structural integrity of your Toyota vehicle. The part balances and stabilizes the windshield and back window glass, preventing rattling and vibration while the vehicle is in motion. As part of a Toyota vehicle, genuine Windshield Glass Spacer #2 (#56126-22030)s offer optimal compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, however, the spacer may deteriorate or break, potentially leading to shaky or loose windshield or back window glass. This can compromise the safety of the vehicle, obstructing clear vision or even endangering passengers in case of sudden braking or collision. Regular replacement of the Windshield Glass Spacer #2 (#56126-22030) is, therefore, vital. In sum, the Windshield Glass Spacer #2 (#56126-22030) plays an essential role in the overall safety and efficiency of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 56126-22020
Part Number 56126-22030

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