Steering Knuckle Spindle Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Steering Knuckle Spindle Sub-Assembly (#43401-60081), a crucial component in Toyota’s Drive-Chassis category, is integral to the Front Axle Arm & Steering Knuckle system of a vehicle. Its primary role is to allow for a smooth and controlled steering operation, essentially acting as a bridge between the suspension and the wheel assembly. Its function involves multiple components, such as the wheel hub and the steering components, working in harmony. As this part ages, the risk of corrosion, damage, and degradation increases, potentially leading to steering issues or even system failure. Regular replacement with genuine Toyota parts, which are designed for perfect compatibility and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, can help prevent such concerns. By ensuring optimized steering control and safety, the Steering Knuckle Spindle Sub-Assembly (#43401-60081) significantly contributes to the overall efficiency of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 43401-60040;43401-60041;43401-60080
Part Number 43401-60081

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