
About this product

The Spring (#90075-26003), a crucial electrical component in the Headlamp system, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the functionality of your Toyota vehicle's lighting. This part, significantly, enables the appropriate adjustment of the headlamp's aim, thereby facilitating safe night-time driving. As part of a system, the Spring (#90075-26003) works in conjunction with other parts, such as the headlamp assembly and adjuster, to optimize performance. Like any part, the Spring (#90075-26003) is subject to wear and tear, which could impair its operation. A deteriorating Spring (#90075-26003) may result in poor headlamp aim, potentially compromising driver safety. Thus, periodic replacement is recommended. Using genuine Toyota parts promotes vehicle compatibility. Moreover, these authentic parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty, further enhancing customer assurance. A well-maintained Spring (#90075-26003), as part of a fully functional Headlamp system, contributes significantly to the overall safety and efficiency of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90075-26003

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