Spring Adjusting

About this product

The Spring Adjusting (#SU003-00646), a critical Drive-Chassis part in the Parking Brake & Cable system, plays a pivotal role in ensuring smooth operation of your vehicle's braking system. It regulates the tension within the parking brake cable, providing precise engagement and disengagement of the parking brake. Over time, wear and tear can cause it to become ineffective or even malfunction, leading to potential brake failure or system inefficiency. When the Spring Adjusting (#SU003-00646) is not functioning as it should, the parking brake might not engage or disengage correctly, posing a safety risk. Therefore, periodic replacement with Toyota's genuine parts is necessary for vehicle compatibility and optimal performance. Genuine parts from Toyota are backed by a reliable warranty, providing you with peace of mind. In conclusion, the Spring Adjusting (#SU003-00646) is an integral component that contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle's braking system. Its regular maintenance and replacement ensure your vehicle remains safe and functional.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-00646

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