Anti-Rattle Spring #1

About this product

The Anti-Rattle Spring #1 (#47748-12110) is a key component in Toyota's Drive-Chassis part category, specifically within the Rear Disc Brake Caliper & Dust Cover system. It has a primary role of reducing noise and vibration during braking by keeping the brake pads stable and secure. The spring absorbs any rattling or movement the pads may experience, ensuring a smoother, quieter driving experience. Like other vehicle parts, the Anti-Rattle Spring #1 (#47748-12110) can deteriorate with time and usage. When aged or broken, it can result in increased noise, unnecessary vibration, and even potential brake failure. Toyota recommends periodic replacement with genuine parts for optimal compatibility and performance. All genuine parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This gives assurance of the part's quality and reliability. Finally, the Anti-Rattle Spring #1 (#47748-12110) significantly contributes to the overall efficiency of the braking system, enhancing safety and comfort for the driver.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 47748-02010;47748-02020;47748-12090
Part Number 47748-12110

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