Antirattle Spring

About this product

The Antirattle Spring (#47748-60010) is a pivotal Drive-Chassis component of the Front Disc Brake Caliper & Dust Cover system in Toyota vehicles. This part plays a crucial role in suppressing unnecessary noises and vibrations created by the brake caliper as it engages and disengages during operation. It works by exerting a specific tension against the brake pads, keeping them firmly in place and reducing rattling. Failure to replace a worn-out or broken Antirattle Spring (#47748-60010) could lead to exacerbated noise, potential damage to the brake caliper, and a greater risk of brake malfunction. This underlines the necessity of periodic part replacement. When opting for a new Antirattle Spring (#47748-60010), it's essential to choose a genuine Toyota part. These parts not only offer vehicle compatibility but are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing peace of mind. In conclusion, the Antirattle Spring (#47748-60010), while small, significantly contributes to the safety and efficiency of your Toyota's brake system, ensuring high-performance braking with minimal noise and vibration.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 47748-60010

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