Brake Pistonret Spring

About this product

The Brake Pistonret Spring (#SU003-03655), a key component in the Drive-Chassis category, plays a critical role within the Center Support & Planetary Sun Gear system of Toyota's automatic transmission vehicles. Its main function is to apply and release pressure within the brake assembly, thereby controlling the vehicle's braking power. The spring works in conjunction with the brake piston and other related parts to ensure proper operation of the braking system. Just like any other component, the Brake Pistonret Spring (#SU003-03655) wears out over time and requires replacement. If this part becomes old, clogged, or broken, it could seriously compromise the braking power of your vehicle, risking safety on the road. Using genuine Toyota parts ensures compatibility with your vehicle and they are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Brake Pistonret Spring (#SU003-03655) contributes to the overall efficiency of the braking system, ensuring smooth and safe rides every time.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-03655

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