Brush Spring

About this product

The Brush Spring (#27372-31011), a crucial Engine-Fuel part within the Alternator system of a Toyota vehicle, serves a vital function in ensuring peak performance. Its primary role is to maintain adequate pressure on the alternator brushes, enabling the free flow of electrical currents when the engine is operating. If the Brush Spring (#27372-31011) becomes worn out or broken, it can lead to reduced alternator efficiency, improper charging of the battery, and ultimately vehicle breakdown. Therefore, periodic replacement of this part is essential. By using genuine Toyota Brush Spring (#27372-31011)s, you are choosing parts that are fully compatible with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This component, when functioning properly, significantly contributes to the overall efficiency of the alternator system, keeping your vehicle running smoothly and safely.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90099-17114
Part Number 27372-31011

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