Console Door Stopper Spring

About this product

The Console Door Stopper Spring (#58967-06320), a Body part in the Console Box & Bracket system, plays a critical role in your Toyota vehicle. It primarily functions as a limiter, preventing the console door from swinging excessively and causing potential damage or wear. It works by exerting a force against the door movement when it reaches a certain point, effectively stopping it from opening too wide. Like all parts, the Console Door Stopper Spring (#58967-06320) might become worn or break over time. A compromised spring might not stop the console door correctly, leading to potential damage or inconvenient operation. Hence, periodic replacement is essential for optimum performance. By opting for genuine Toyota parts, compatibility with your vehicle is assured, with every part backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This Console Door Stopper Spring (#58967-06320) contributes significantly to the durability and longevity of your console box, enhancing your overall driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58967-06320

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