Spring Detent

About this product

The Spring Detent (#SU003-00918) is an essential Drive-Chassis part in the Shift Lever & Retainer system of your Toyota vehicle. In operation, it facilitates the smooth and accurate movement of the shift lever, engaging or disengaging the gear system in a controlled manner. This auto part interacts closely with the shift lever, and a malfunctioning Spring Detent (#SU003-00918) could lead to erratic gear changes or damage to the gearbox itself. Thus, it's crucial for this component to be replaced periodically as wear and tear could hamper its functional capacity. Only genuine Toyota parts can ensure compatibility with your vehicle and the Spring Detent (#SU003-00918) is no exception. Remember, all genuine parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Lastly, a well-functioning Spring Detent (#SU003-00918) contributes to an efficient and safe driving experience, allowing for smooth and precise gear transitions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-00918

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