Direct Clutch Return Diaphragm Spring

About this product

The Direct Clutch Return Diaphragm Spring (#35628-06020), a part of the Brake Band & Multiple Disc Clutch (Atm) system, plays a pivotal role in smooth gear shifts and efficient vehicle control. This Drive-Chassis component springs back the clutch disc into its position when the clutch is disengaged, aiding in seamless vehicular motion. As with all parts, wear and tear over time can impair its function, leading to compromised gear shifts and increased risk of accidents. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota Autoparts is vital for vehicle compatibility and optimal performance. Remember, Toyota's genuine parts are supported by our authentic parts warranty, providing you assurance of their reliability. In essence, the Direct Clutch Return Diaphragm Spring (#35628-06020) significantly augments the efficiency and safety of your vehicle, making your journeys smooth and secure.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 35628-06020

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