Glove Compartment Door Lock Spring #2

About this product

The Glove Compartment Door Lock Spring #2 (#55577-0C010), a vital body part in the instrument panel & glove compartment system, plays a key role in securing your vehicle's glove box. Its core function is to apply tension to the lock mechanism, allowing it to secure the glove compartment door. With the aid of genuine Toyota parts, this spring ensures compatibility with your vehicle’s specifications. Over time, however, the Glove Compartment Door Lock Spring #2 (#55577-0C010) may lose its tension or become damaged, impacting the glove box's security. Moreover, a dysfunctional glove compartment could pose safety risks by not securely storing items during driving. Hence, periodic replacement is recommended. As a genuine Toyota part, it upholds the brand’s parts warranty, reinforcing its reliability. In conclusion, the Glove Compartment Door Lock Spring #2 (#55577-0C010) serves a crucial function in enhancing safety and operational efficiency within the vehicle's instrument panel and glove compartment system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55577-0C010

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