Rear Seat Ctr Armrest Spring #1

About this product

The Rear Seat Ctr Armrest Spring #1 (#72841-AC010), an integral body part within the Rear Seat & Seat Track system, plays a crucial role in maintaining the vehicle's comfort and functionality. This spring is responsible for keeping the armrest at an appropriate position, ensuring a comfortable ride for rear passengers. It operates by storing mechanical energy when the armrest is moved, and releasing this energy to return the armrest to its original position. However, like all mechanical parts, the Rear Seat Ctr Armrest Spring #1 (#72841-AC010) is subject to wear and tear. If it becomes old or broken, the armrest might not function properly, leading to discomfort for passengers. Therefore, timely replacement with genuine Toyota parts is recommended for optimal vehicle compatibility and performance. Genuine Toyota parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing assurance of their quality and reliability. In essence, the Rear Seat Ctr Armrest Spring #1 (#72841-AC010) contributes significantly to the overall comfort and satisfaction of passengers, making it an indispensable component of any Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72841-AC010

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