Brake Piston Return Spring Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Brake Piston Return Spring Sub-Assembly (#35608-71010), a critical part in the Drive-Chassis category, is located in the Center Support & Planetary Sun Gear system of automatic transmission vehicles. This component is chiefly responsible for bringing the brake piston back to its original position after the brake pedal is released, helping to maintain optimal brake performance. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for maximum compatibility and performance, and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this assembly can become worn or damaged, potentially impacting braking efficiency. In such cases, the brakes may not release completely, leading to overheating, brake wear, and decreased fuel economy. A periodically replaced Brake Piston Return Spring Sub-Assembly (#35608-71010) can help maintain the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle's braking system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 35608-71010

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