Direct Clutch Return Spring Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Direct Clutch Return Spring Sub-Assembly (#35604-52020) is a pivotal component of the Brake Band & Multiple Disc Clutch (Atm) system. It mainly functions to reposition the clutch disc after disengagement, aiding in seamless gear transitions. In collaboration with the clutch disc and pressure plate, this assembly ensures the smooth operation of your vehicle. Over time, the efficiency of the Direct Clutch Return Spring Sub-Assembly (#35604-52020) can decrease, which could lead to impaired gear shifting, causing potential driving hazards. To prevent this, it is essential to replace this component periodically. Genuine Toyota Autoparts are recommended for vehicle compatibility and are covered under Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Direct Clutch Return Spring Sub-Assembly (#35604-52020) plays a significant role in vehicle safety and performance by ensuring smooth gear shifts and preventing potential clutch system malfunctions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 35604-52020

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