Tension Spring

About this product

The Tension Spring (#90506-18061), part of Toyota's Hood Lock & Hinge system, plays a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth opening and closing mechanism of your vehicle's hood. This spring, when under operation, regulates the tension and resistance experienced while lifting up or pulling down the hood. Genuine Toyota Tension Spring (#90506-18061)s are designed for optimal compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Just like any other components, the Tension Spring (#90506-18061) can deteriorate over time or due to harsh environmental circumstances. When old or damaged, it can lead to difficulty in operating the hood, potentially posing safety risks or resulting in damage to the hood or adjacent parts. A well-maintained Tension Spring (#90506-18061) ensures the efficient operation of the hood lock & hinge system and contributes to the safety and convenience of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90506-18061

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