Torsion Spring

About this product

The Torsion Spring (#90508-08106), a critical component within the Drive-Chassis category of Toyota Autoparts, serves a pivotal role within the Parking Brake & Cable system. This spring controls the action of the parking brake by exerting a rotational force, allowing the brake to effectively engage and disengage. Over time, the efficiency of the Torsion Spring (#90508-08106) can diminish due to wear and tear, potentially compromising the functionality of the parking brake. A worn-out or broken spring can lead to a failure of the brake to engage properly, posing a safety risk. Replacing this component with a genuine Toyota part not only secures vehicle compatibility, but also is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Keeping the Torsion Spring (#90508-08106) in optimal condition contributes significantly to the functioning and safety of the Parking Brake & Cable system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90508-08106

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