Driven Sprocket

About this product

The Driven Sprocket (#35783-12060), a vital Drive-Chassis part of the Torque Converter, Front Oil Pump(Cvt) system, plays a significant role in transmitting power from the engine to the vehicle's wheels. This sprocket receives the input from the drive chain and then spins to propel the vehicle forward, creating a seamless power transfer. Like all mechanical parts, the Driven Sprocket (#35783-12060) is subject to wear and tear over time, necessitating its routine replacement. A worn or broken sprocket can interfere with the smooth transmission of power, causing a decline in vehicle performance. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for replacement because they are tailored to the specifics of the vehicle, backed by Toyota's illustrious parts warranty. In conclusion, a functional Driven Sprocket (#35783-12060) is critical to the overall efficiency of the vehicle's drive mechanism; it ensures smooth power transmission and contributes to a safe and reliable driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 35783-12070
Part Number 35783-12060

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