Transfer Driven Sprocket

About this product

The Transfer Driven Sprocket (#36292-34011), a Drive-Chassis part of the Transfer Gear system in Toyota vehicles, plays a critical role in transmitting power from the engine to the wheels. Its function involves the engagement and rotation of the connected gears, effectively transferring torque. Its efficiency, however, can decrease over time due to wear and tear. A worn out or broken sprocket might cause the transfer gear system to operate inefficiently, affecting the vehicle's power transmission and potentially leading to significant mechanical issues. Using genuine Toyota Autoparts ensures compatibility and optimal performance, and these parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Routinely replacing the Transfer Driven Sprocket (#36292-34011), as per recommended maintenance schedules, can contribute significantly towards the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 36292-34011

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