St Cover Assembly Cusflh

About this product

The St Cover Assembly Cusflh (#SU003-04985) is a crucial part in Toyota's Front Seat & Seat Track system. This body part primarily provides protective covering for the seat track mechanism, keeping it free from dust or debris that could disrupt its function. It also offers a streamlined look to your Toyota car's interior. Genuine Toyota parts like the St Cover Assembly Cusflh (#SU003-04985) offer optimal compatibility with your vehicle and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty for peace of mind. Over period of time, this part may wear out, get broken or clogged with debris, which can affect its function. If left unattended, it can expose the seat track mechanism to potential damage. Periodic replacement of this part is therefore advised to maintain the efficiency of the seat adjustment system, contributing to the overall safety and comfort of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-04985

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