St Frame Assembly B Rfrh

About this product

The St Frame Assembly B Rfrh (#SU003-04356) is a vital component within the Front Seat & Seat Track system of a Toyota vehicle. Its primary role is to provide structural support and stability to the front seat, ensuring passengers are safely held in place while the car is in motion. As part of a system, it works in conjunction with the seat track and other related parts to enable the seat's adjustable features. Over time, this part can suffer wear and tear, compromising its integrity and safety function. A damaged St Frame Assembly B Rfrh (#SU003-04356) may lead to unstable seating and could potentially pose a safety risk. For this reason, periodic replacement with a genuine Toyota part is recommended. Genuine parts provide optimal compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's Genuine Parts Warranty. In conclusion, the St Frame Assembly B Rfrh (#SU003-04356) ensures the efficient performance and safety of the Front Seat & Seat Track system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-04356

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