Stator Assembly-Alternator

About this product

The Stator Assembly-Alternator (#SU003-00486), a key component in Toyota's alternator system, plays a crucial role in your vehicle's function. This integral Engine-Fuel part facilitates the conversion of the mechanical energy from the engine into electrical energy to power the vehicle's systems and recharge the battery. Comprised of a set of coils, this assembly generates electricity as the rotor, another vital alternator component, spins within it. Over time, wear and tear can depreciate the stator assembly's performance, potentially leading to a decrease in electrical output. Consequently, a worn-out stator assembly may not produce enough power for the vehicle's electrical demands, causing battery drain and potential vehicle breakdown. By using a genuine Toyota Stator Assembly-Alternator (#SU003-00486), you are assured of compatibility with your vehicle and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Regular replacement of this part can extend the life of your alternator system and contribute to the overall efficiency of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-00486

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