Air Cleaner Stay #1

About this product

The Air Cleaner Stay #1 (#17765-25010), a vital component in the Engine-Fuel category, plays a crucial role in the Air Cleaner system of your vehicle. It is primarily designed to securely hold the air cleaner in place, facilitating optimal operation of the engine by ensuring a steady, uninterrupted supply of clean air. Genuine Toyota parts such as the Air Cleaner Stay #1 (#17765-25010) offer impeccable vehicle compatibility, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If this part becomes worn out, clogged, or broken, it may fail to secure the air cleaner correctly. This could lead to unfiltered air entering the engine, causing damage and reducing engine efficiency. Therefore, periodic replacement of the Air Cleaner Stay #1 (#17765-25010) is necessary. In summary, the Air Cleaner Stay #1 (#17765-25010) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle, ensuring your engine receives clean air for its operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 17765-25010

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