Back Window Stay Assembly Right Hand

About this product

The Back Window Stay Assembly Right Hand (#68930-35012), a crucial component in the Back Door Lock & Hinge system, ensures that the back window stays in the correct position when the vehicle is in motion. This genuine Toyota Autopart is designed to offer optimal compatibility with your vehicle, facilitating smooth functioning. The assembly includes mechanisms and components designed to hold the window securely, preventing it from moving unexpectedly. Over time and use, the Back Window Stay Assembly Right Hand (#68930-35012) may wear or become damaged, compromising its effectiveness. If this happens, the window may rattle or shift, potentially obstructing the driver's rear view. Therefore, periodic replacement of this part is recommended. As a genuine part, the Back Window Stay Assembly Right Hand (#68930-35012) is backed by Toyota's authentic parts warranty. By maintaining the back window's correct position, this assembly contributes to the overall safety and driving efficiency of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 68930-35010;68930-35011
Part Number 68930-35012

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