Lower Arm Bracket Stay Left Hand

About this product

The Lower Arm Bracket Stay Left Hand (#48658-14021), a Drive-Chassis part in the Front Axle Arm & Steering Knuckle system, is critical for the seamless operation of a vehicle. Acting as a supportive component within the axle and steering system, it assists the vehicle in achieving precise turning and handling. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Lower Arm Bracket Stay Left Hand (#48658-14021), are not only compatible with the vehicle, but also carry the peace-of-mind of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Regular replacement of the Lower Arm Bracket Stay Left Hand (#48658-14021) is necessary to prevent problems such as misalignment or steering instability. When old or faulty, it could potentially compromise the vehicle's handling and stability, thereby putting safety at risk. By maintaining the integrity of the Front Axle Arm & Steering Knuckle system, the Lower Arm Bracket Stay Left Hand (#48658-14021) improves both the efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 48658-14020
Part Number 48658-14021

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