Step Plate Stay

About this product

The Step Plate Stay (#51777-60040-D0), a pivotal component in the Rear Bumper & Bumper Stay system of your Toyota vehicle, serves a crucial role in maintaining the car's structural integrity. This Body part provides support to the step plate, stabilizing it during operation and ensuring seamless interaction with the bumper system. When it functions properly, the Step Plate Stay (#51777-60040-D0) contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle. However, like all parts, it can wear out over time, potentially leading to instability in your bumper system or even damaging related parts. Genuine Toyota Step Plate Stay (#51777-60040-D0)s, which are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, provide vehicle compatibility, reducing the risk of such issues. In conclusion, the Step Plate Stay (#51777-60040-D0) plays a vital role in maintaining the safety and performance of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 51777-60040-D0
Color Number 1E92023Q26Q78L4
Color Name Dk. Gray M.

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