Back Door Damper Stay Sub-Assembly Left Hand

About this product

The Back Door Damper Stay Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#68908-35060), a key component in Toyota's Back Door Lock & Hinge system, plays a crucial role in controlling the speed and motion of the vehicle's rear door. This vital part allows smooth, controlled opening and closing, reducing strain on related parts. Genuine Toyota parts offer an optimal fit and function, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If this component becomes old or clogged, the door may slam shut or swing open too rapidly, creating a potential safety hazard or damage to the door mechanism. Consequently, regular replacement of this part is advisable. By maintaining the Back Door Damper Stay Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#68908-35060) in good condition, it contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle, providing controlled, smooth operation for the back door.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 68908-35060

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