Back Door Damper Stay Sub-Assembly Left Hand Set

About this product

The Back Door Damper Stay Sub-Assembly Left Hand Set (#68908-39015), a key component in Toyota's Back Door Lock & Hinge system, is vital for the functionality and safety of your vehicle's back door. A genuine Toyota part, it is designed for perfect compatibility with your vehicle and comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This sub-assembly set plays a vital role in providing the necessary dampening force for the back door, ensuring smooth, controlled movement when opening and closing. This system relies on several components working in unison, including dampers and hinges, which may wear out over time. If the sub-assembly set becomes old, clogged, or broken it could result in unstable door operation, posing safety risks. Regular replacement of this set is highly recommended to maintain optimal performance and safety. With a fully functioning Back Door Damper Stay Sub-Assembly Left Hand Set (#68908-39015), your vehicle's door system operates smoothly, contributing to overall vehicle safety and efficiency.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 68908-35051
Part Number 68908-39015

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