Right Hand Step Side Front without Paint

About this product

The Right Hand Step Side Front without Paint (#66421-0C900), a vital component within the Rear Body Side Panel system, plays a crucial role in vehicle accessibility and safety. This body part, specifically designed for Toyota models, aids in safe ingress and egress of the vehicle, especially for higher models such as SUVs and trucks. As the Right Hand Step Side Front without Paint (#66421-0C900) is exposed to repeated weight stress and environmental factors, it may wear down or break over time, necessitating its replacement. A compromised Right Hand Step Side Front without Paint (#66421-0C900) can lead to trips, slips, or falls, posing a safety risk. Genuine Toyota Right Hand Step Side Front without Paint (#66421-0C900)s are compatible with specific models, promoting enhanced durability and vehicle integrity. They also come with the backing of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining a functional Right Hand Step Side Front without Paint (#66421-0C900), the overall safety and accessibility of your vehicle are significantly improved.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 66421-0C010-B0;66421-0C010-E0;66421-0C010-A0;66421-0C010-B1;66421-0C010-G0;66421-0C010-J0
Part Number 66421-0C900

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