Stop Lp Assembly Hi SP

About this product

The Stop Lp Assembly Hi SP (#SU003-08735), a fundamental part of Toyota's Center Stop Lamp system, plays a crucial role in maintaining vehicle safety. This electrical part functions by activating the central brake light, giving a clear, visual warning to drivers behind whenever the vehicle is decelerating. When functioning optimally, this part can significantly reduce the risk of rear-end collisions. However, as with any part, it's essential to replace it periodically. An aged or malfunctioning Stop Lp Assembly Hi SP (#SU003-08735) could lead to impaired visibility and lead to hazardous driving conditions. By investing in genuine Toyota parts, you ensure compatibility with your vehicle and receive the added benefit of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Thus, the Stop Lp Assembly Hi SP (#SU003-08735) not only contributes to safety but also the overall efficiency of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-08735

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