Stopper A

About this product

The Stopper A (#SU003-04563), a critical body part in Toyota's Luggage Compartment Door & Lock system, plays a significant role in ensuring the secure closure and locking of the luggage compartment. It functions by engaging with the latch mechanism, providing the necessary resistance to prevent the door from reopening once closed. Over time, due to wear and tear, the Stopper A (#SU003-04563) may experience reduced efficiency or even failure, leading to an insecure luggage compartment door. This could result in the potential loss of luggages or accidental opening while the vehicle is in motion. Toyota upholds its commitment to safety and efficiency by advocating the use of genuine parts for vehicle compatibility, including the Stopper A (#SU003-04563) which is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Replacing this part at the recommended intervals helps maintain the integrity of the luggage compartment door & lock system, contributing to overall vehicle safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-04563

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