Glove Compartment Door Stopper

About this product

The Glove Compartment Door Stopper (#55517-14030) is a crucial Body part in Toyota's Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system. This auto part is primarily responsible for preventing the glove compartment door from swinging open too far, which can cause damage to the hinge mechanism and the door itself. It operates by limiting the door's swing radius when opened, providing an effective stop point. Over time, this part may wear out or break due to frequent use or forceful opening. If not replaced, it could lead to a dysfunctional glove compartment door, potentially causing further damage. As such, it is necessary to replace this part periodically to prevent such issues. Using genuine Toyota parts for replacement not only ensures compatibility with your vehicle, but also comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Glove Compartment Door Stopper (#55517-14030)'s role in preserving the integrity of the glove compartment enhances the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle's interior features.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55517-14030

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