Stopper Sash

About this product

The Stopper Sash (#SU003-04118), a crucial component in the Front Door Panel & Glass system, firmly holds and positions the glass within the door frame. This body part actively works when a window is opened or closed, preventing the glass from sliding too far within the door panel. Over time, the Stopper Sash (#SU003-04118) may experience wear and tear, compromising its performance. This could lead to the glass slipping out of place and potentially causing significant damage to the door panel system. Genuine Toyota Stopper Sash (#SU003-04118) not only ensures perfect fit and compatibility with your vehicle, but also benefits from Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Replacing the Stopper Sash (#SU003-04118) at recommended intervals is vital, as it maintains the smooth operation and safety of your car's Front Door Panel & Glass system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-04118

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