Back Door Stopper Sub-Assembly Right Hand

About this product

The Back Door Stopper Sub-Assembly Right Hand (#67207-60021) is a crucial auto part in the Back Door Lock & Hinge system of your Toyota vehicle. Its primary role is to hold the back door in a fixed position when opened, preventing it from swinging freely which could potentially cause damage to the vehicle or injury to the users. Components of this assembly are designed to endure the regular extension and retraction that comes with normal use, but over time, this part can get worn out or damaged, necessitating its replacement. If left unattended, a faulty door stopper could cause the back door to behave unpredictably, causing problems with access and posing a safety risk. By using Toyota's genuine parts, compatibility with your vehicle is optimized. Plus, these parts are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Back Door Stopper Sub-Assembly Right Hand (#67207-60021) is a small but essential part that contributes greatly to the safety and usability of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 67207-60030;67207-60020
Part Number 67207-60021

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