Tongue Plate Stopper

About this product

The Tongue Plate Stopper (#73219-26010-B3), an integral component of the Seat Belt & Child Restraint Seat system, plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of vehicle occupants. This Body part is designed to secure the tongue plate of the seat belt, preventing it from slipping out and maintaining the seat belt's tension during use. Over time, the Tongue Plate Stopper (#73219-26010-B3) may experience wear and tear, impacting its effectiveness. A worn or non-functional stopper could compromise the seat belt's performance, potentially endangering the safety of passengers. By utilizing genuine Toyota parts like the Tongue Plate Stopper (#73219-26010-B3), you benefit from optimal compatibility with your vehicle. Furthermore, Toyota's genuine parts warranty supports these components, offering peace of mind. Replacement of this part as part of regular maintenance can significantly contribute to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle's seat belt system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 73219-26010-C0;73219-26010-B0;73219-26010-B1;73219-26010-B2
Part Number 73219-26010-B3
Color Name Dk.Gray

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