Stopper Upper

About this product

The Stopper Upper (#SU003-00353), a crucial part in the Suspension Crossmember & Under Cover system, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the stability and balance of your Toyota vehicle. As the vehicle navigates various terrains, the Stopper Upper (#SU003-00353) absorbs shocks and vibrations, ensuring a smooth and comfortable ride. However, like all parts, the Stopper Upper (#SU003-00353) is subject to wear and tear. Failing to replace a worn-out Stopper Upper (#SU003-00353) may result in discomfort while driving, diminished ride quality, and potentially excessive strain on the suspension system. Therefore, periodic replacement of the Stopper Upper (#SU003-00353) with genuine parts is crucial. Genuine parts offer optimal compatibility with your Toyota vehicle and are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By performing its role effectively, the Stopper Upper (#SU003-00353) significantly contributes to the overall smoothness of your vehicle's ride and enhances safety by maintaining stability and balance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-00353

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