Solenoid Oil Strainer

About this product

Serving a pivotal role in the Drive-Chassis Transfer Valve Body & Valve Lever system, as well as the Drive-Chassis Valve Body & Oil Strainer (Automatic Transmission) system, the Solenoid Oil Strainer (#35441-12020) is a crucial auto part. This component functions by filtering oil, clearing it of impurities before it reaches the solenoid. Genuine Toyota parts like this are instrumental in maintaining vehicle compatibility and are upheld by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. It's important to replace this part periodically. Over time, the Solenoid Oil Strainer (#35441-12020) may become clogged or damaged, leading to inefficient or faulty operations. A non-functional part could compromise the solenoid, hinder the smooth running of the vehicle and potentially cause damage to other components. In conclusion, the Solenoid Oil Strainer (#35441-12020) plays an indispensable part in ensuring the longevity and safety of the systems in which it operates.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 35441-12020

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