Solenoid Oil Strainer

About this product

The Solenoid Oil Strainer (#35441-16020), a vital Drive-Chassis part in the Transaxle Assy (CVT) system, has a crucial role in maintaining the optimal operation of your Toyota vehicle. This component works by filtering oil to the solenoids, removing any potentially harmful particles and debris that could hinder their performance. When the Solenoid Oil Strainer (#35441-16020) becomes old, clogged, or broken, it can impede the flow of oil and allow damaging particles through, potentially leading to impaired solenoid function or even vehicle breakdown. Thus, regular replacement of this part with genuine Toyota parts aids in maintaining vehicle compatibility and protecting your investment. Remember, genuine parts are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Moreover, the Solenoid Oil Strainer (#35441-16020)'s contribution to keeping the solenoids—and by extension, your vehicle—running smoothly underlines its significance to overall system efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 35441-16020

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