Pkg Tray To Floor Strainer Sub-Assembly Left Hand

About this product

The Pkg Tray To Floor Strainer Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#64202-WB002) is an essential body part in the Side Member system of Toyota vehicles. This authentic component plays a vital role in maintaining the vehicle's structural integrity, distributing forces evenly across the car's frame during motion. Composed of several finely engineered parts, it operates seamlessly within the system, helping to provide stability and robustness. However, just like other parts, the Pkg Tray To Floor Strainer Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#64202-WB002) may wear out over time, potentially leading to instability and safety issues if ignored. Therefore, regular replacement of this genuine part, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is strongly recommended. With a new, genuine Pkg Tray To Floor Strainer Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#64202-WB002) properly installed, your Toyota vehicle can maintain the optimal efficiency and safety it was designed for.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 64202-WB001
Part Number 64202-WB002

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