Back Door Pull Strap Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Back Door Pull Strap Sub-Assembly (#67908-0C020) plays a vital role in the Back Door Panel & Glass system of vehicles. This Body part provides occupants with a solid grip for closing the back door of a vehicle, thus preventing damage to the door panel from slamming. Over time, the Pull Strap Sub-Assembly can wear out or break, causing inconvenience and potential damage to the door. Notably, choosing genuine Toyota parts ensures a perfect fit and compatibility with your vehicle. Genuine parts are also covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty for added peace of mind. If left unreplaced, a faulty Back Door Pull Strap Sub-Assembly (#67908-0C020) poses a risk of damage to the door panel or the glass, and may affect the overall safety of the vehicle's occupants. Through its essential role, this part contributes to the efficiency of door closing and the safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 67908-0C020

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