Rear Seat Back Lock Striker

About this product

The Rear Seat Back Lock Striker (#72613-48010) is an essential component in the Body Rear Seat & Seat Track and Body Seat & Seat Track systems of Toyota vehicles. This auto part secures the seat back in place and prevents it from moving while the vehicle is in operation. When the seat back is reclined, the lock striker holds it securely, providing safety and stability for the occupants. The Rear Seat Back Lock Striker (#72613-48010) works in tandem with the seat belt system to offer optimum safety. However, like all mechanical parts, it is subject to wear and tear. Over time, the striker may become less effective or fail, leading to potential safety risks, including the inability to secure the seat back. Using genuine Toyota parts can enhance vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The seat back lock striker contributes significantly to the safety of the vehicle, ensuring a comfortable and secure drive.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72613-48010

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