Rear Seat Cushion Lock Striker Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Rear Seat Cushion Lock Striker Sub-Assembly (#72607-60160) is a crucial auto part in the Body category living within the Seat & Seat Track system of your Toyota vehicle. This part is primarily responsible for keeping the seat in place during vehicle operation, ensuring the safety of the occupants. It functions by engaging with the locking mechanism on the seat, securing it in the desired position. Like any other mechanical component, it can wear out over time, leading to a loose or unstable seat. A broken or non-functional Rear Seat Cushion Lock Striker Sub-Assembly (#72607-60160) can pose a significant safety risk, potentially causing the seat to move unexpectedly during driving. Always opt for genuine parts from Toyota to maintain optimal compatibility with your vehicle. Genuine parts like these come with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Rear Seat Cushion Lock Striker Sub-Assembly (#72607-60160)'s role is crucial in maintaining the safety and efficiency of your Toyota's Seat & Seat Track system. It ensures that your driving experience remains safe and comfortable.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72607-60160

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