Parking Brake Strut

About this product

The Parking Brake Strut (#47613-12020) is a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Rear Disc Brake Caliper & Dust Cover system. This important device primarily controls the parking brake's application and release, using a spring mechanism to apply or disengage the brake pads when the parking brake is activated or released. Just like any other vehicle component, the Parking Brake Strut (#47613-12020) needs regular replacements to maintain its functionality. If this part becomes old, clogged, or broken, it can affect the brake's performance, which can lead to safety issues. By using genuine Toyota parts, you're opting for parts designed specifically for your vehicle, contributing to its compatibility. Plus, Toyota's genuine parts are backed by a solid warranty to offer you peace of mind. In conclusion, a functioning Parking Brake Strut (#47613-12020) contributes significantly to the system's efficiency and safety by ensuring optimal brake performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 47613-02010
Part Number 47613-12020

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