Hex Lobular Stud

About this product

The Hex Lobular Stud (#90126-11001), a Drive-Chassis part from Toyota Autoparts, holds a significant role in the Rear Axle Housing & Differential system. It acts as a robust anchor point, aiding in securing components to maintain the stability and balance of the vehicle. This stud is meticulously designed to fit perfectly into Toyota models, contributing to vehicle compatibility. Genuine parts like this are backed by Toyota's authentic parts warranty. As the Hex Lobular Stud (#90126-11001) ages, it may weaken or break, potentially compromising the vehicle's stability. A broken or old stud can affect the vehicle's handling, increasing the risk of accidents. Replacement on a regular basis is crucial. The Hex Lobular Stud (#90126-11001), while small in size, contributes immensely to the vehicle's safety and performance by ensuring the system's components remain securely fastened. It is a vital part of the Rear Axle Housing & Differential, contributing to the overall efficiency and safe operation of Toyota vehicles.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90126-11001

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