Accelerator Control Cable Support #2

About this product

The Accelerator Control Cable Support #2 (#78189-12110), a key component in the Accelerator Link system, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the stability and efficiency of the accelerator cable. When the pedal is pushed, it transmits the force to the throttle, enabling control of the vehicle's speed. This cable support helps maintain the correct tension and alignment of the cable, preventing it from sagging or twisting. Over time, this part can wear out or become damaged, necessitating replacement. If left unchecked, a worn-out cable support could lead to inefficient or unpredictable throttle response, posing significant safety risks. Opting for genuine Toyota Autoparts delivers perfect fitting parts that are fully compatible with your vehicle and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Regular replacement of the Accelerator Control Cable Support #2 (#78189-12110) contributes to the overall safety, efficiency, and longevity of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 78189-12110

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