Brake Pedal Support Assembly

The Brake Pedal Support Assembly (#4711012500), a crucial part in the Drive-Chassis/Brake Pedal & Bracket system, plays a pivotal role in your vehicle's braking mechanism. Its primary function is to provide a sturdy mount for the brake pedal, thus allowing safe and reliable braking operation. The support assembly serves as an interface between the brake pedal and the rest of the braking system. Over time, this assembly may wear out or get damaged, impacting the vehicle's braking ability. When it becomes old, the brake pedal might become unsteady, resulting in faulty brake application. Hence, periodic replacement is necessary. Using genuine Toyota parts for replacement is beneficial as they promote vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, a well-maintained Brake Pedal Support Assembly (#4711012500) contributes to the overall safety of your vehicle by ensuring efficient braking.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 47110-12500

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