Front Seat Headrest Support

About this product

The Front Seat Headrest Support (#71931-47020-B1), a critical component in the Body Front Seat & Seat Track system as well as the Body Seat & Seat Track system, offers paramount support to the headrest, aiding in securing the passenger's head and neck in the event of sudden stops or impacts. It works in congruity with the seat's frame and padding to provide optimal comfort and safety. As time passes, wear and tear can compromise the support's structural integrity, leading to potential safety risks. Regular replacement is therefore crucial to maintain the vehicle's safety standards. By using genuine Toyota parts, you are choosing components designed specifically for compatibility with your vehicle. Moreover, Toyota's genuine parts warranty backs all its components. This Front Seat Headrest Support (#71931-47020-B1) not only boosts the comfort level but radically enhances the safety quotient of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 71931-47020-B1
Color Name Lt.Gray

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