Fuel Tube Protector Support #1

About this product

The Fuel Tube Protector Support #1 (#77296-12040), a vital Body part in the Fuel Tank & Tube system, is tasked with protecting the fuel lines from wear and tear, possible damage, and heat generated by the vehicle's operation. This component plays a significant role in maintaining the integrity of the fuel delivery system, thereby facilitating the consistent flow of fuel to the engine. In the event of the Fuel Tube Protector Support #1 (#77296-12040) becoming aged, obstructed, or non-functional, fuel tubes might be susceptible to heat damage or impact, which could potentially lead to fuel leakage. Utilising genuine Toyota Autoparts will ensure seamless compatibility with your vehicle, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Fuel Tube Protector Support #1 (#77296-12040) is essential for the operational efficiency and safety of the vehicle's fuel system, securing the fuel tubes from potential damage and maintaining the smooth operation of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 77296-12040

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